Rhod Gibert's Best Bits エピソード・リスト
Rhod Gilbert on BBC Radio Wales. ロッド・ギルバート
If you are listening to this, you are listening to Rhod Gilbert's Best Bits, the best bits of his Saturday morning show, live on BBC Radio Wales. This week, Rhod's off, and so it is me, Chris Corcoran, and Eggzy of Goldie Lookin Chain in the hot seat.
Eggzy, welcome to the show. ういーす。/ Thank you for letting me back, again. また呼んでくれてありがとう。/ Well, thanks for doing this at short notice, because it was quite, uh ... quite a challenge for you to get back to the show today because, you, last night, were in it. 慌ただしい中、急に呼び出してすまなかったな。/ Touch and go, I was in Canterbury last night. もう、あっちこっちでね。昨日はカンタベリーにいた。/ Canterbury. / Yes. / Literally the farthest point on the map to be other than Scotland. 世界で最も辺鄙なところだ。スコットランドは別として。/ Wonderful time. I will recount my Canterbury Tales of what I did there. / Eggzy's Canterbury Tales / The journey of a lifetime, six hours on a closed motorway, 一生に一度の旅 / a sixteenth century venue, possibly with ghosts, although I didn't see any. 会場は 16 世紀の建物。幽霊もいたかも知れない。見なかったけど。/ something for later / Yeah. Uh ... quite a lot of sweat going on there, and then, after two hours in the venue, / yeah, / back on the bus for six hours, got back home at half past five this morning / into bed by six / yeah / three hours' sleep 3時間しか寝てない。/ a quick fruit smoothie, and here I am, living the dream. / And, may I say, looking no different to how you normally look. / Thank you, because, behind my eyes, I'm screaming right now. I am absolutely in hell. It's wonderful, but we are going to go hard today and have a great show. / And you've done well. I mean, you are looking fairly slick, and you're sounding good. / Yeah. / I was, uh, up to about seven minutes ago, really quite worried you were going to go live on air to the public in Wales ほんの7分前まで、今のキミを公共の電波でしゃべらせていいか不安だったが。/ yeah, yeah, but, uh ... / But you're all right. You seem to have pulled it all together. / I'm OK, I'm OK / More to the point, we've had great lot of banter already, because there are some themes developing that we weren't expecting. / We technically had our own show. 自分たちだけでショーをやったようなものだ。/ We've technically had a mini show, not involving the listeners, so, listeners, we want to bring you in now. リスナーを交えずにね。さて、ここからは、リスナーの諸君、奮ってご参加願いたい。So, what is your greatest film quote of all time? あなたが一番好きな映画のセリフは? That's a really easy one. There's stuff in the press today about what other greatest film quotes. You can just send in, ... uh ... oh no, let's change it. Let's make a game of this. やーめた。ちょっとひねって、ゲームにしよう。/ OK. / I'll read out the quote, and then people have to email, saying which film the quote is from. ボクが映画のセリフを言うから、リスナーは、どの映画か当ててね。/ I've actually, uh ... I made up my own film quote for a film that doesn't exist years ago, and I've always wanted to put it in a movie. 実は、数年前、まだ存在しない映画のセリフをいくつか書いたんだ。実際に映画で使いたいとずっと思ってたんだけど。/ So, maybe we could do that. That could be a feature それもやろう。/ I've already passed you during a song. We'll see what our vibe is, you know. / That could be a feature, too. / Yeah. / I'm going to blast through the rest of the features. さて、ほかにどんなコーナーが進行中か、ざっとさらおう。/ Everybody, listen. Have you ever won a rosette? And what was it for? あなたはロゼットをもらったことがあるか? それは何の賞として? / Strong. / "Ask Eggzy" is back. "エグジーに訊け!" コーナーも復活。 / And, "Nearly Convincing Impressionist Shout-out" returns as well. "あなたに捧げる、似てなくもないモノマネ" コーナーも復活。if you want a bog-standard birthday shout-out or something like that 有名人の声でお誕生日おめでとうとか言ってさしあげます。/ or just a hello こんちは、とか。/ in a celebrity voice / probably fairly badly / who the celebrity / you want us to do. どの声でやってほしいか言ってね。
Have you ever won / rosette / explain / our producer / our / if anybody knows / live in __ / you can't move / every other house is a stable 二軒に一軒は馬小屋だ。/ in the high street / horses / differenciate between people / head / everyone's wearing / jacket / boots / It's constant, isn't it? / It's just non-stop たいがいってことを知らない。/ smells / stable / horse-crazy / they're horse-crazy, those people あいつら、街をあげて馬マニアだ。/ we assumed that / type / horsy type 馬好きかと思ってたら、そうでもないことが判明した。/ story / was pony-treciking in / abroad / was thrown over / pony-tracking in Egypt on a lumpy horse, ... which I / nothing / horsy as she should be / because clearly エジプトでさ、コブのある馬に乗って散策したって言うんだけど、それは多分ラクダじゃないかとオレは思うんだ。/ so / about / girl / g__ca__ / and then, therefore, had / backbone of anything to do with anything / middle-class / Yes. It's all about r__, you know / so / we have started talking about whether we ever had a r__ / Cathy / on the sound desk / all over the ロゼットを貰ったことがあるかどうか、二人で話してたんだよな。すると、ミキサーのところに座っているキャシーが、 / got / strong r__ knowledge / desparate / tell us / absolutely / r__ knowledge / dangling / opportunity / spread her r__ story / in public / in front of her right now / some music / gonna be able to / I've got a picture of my rosette / look at that / who / Amazing. Absolutely amazing. / not __ euphemism / genuine r__ / can you just / Cathy, you are in now / pass it on to the listener / what was the, uh, thing / for? / involved / word by word. ... Two people / channeling her psychically / just gonna / into a quiz / who's in charge of this the show? ... Uh, right. OK ... involves two animals / two adults / OK / OK / this is good / this is like / tell you what / leave it there. / this is a great feature / the feature is: Have you ever won a rosette? / Huh huh. / .uk / Get involved. 奮ってお寄せください。/ Also, what was Cathy's rosette? / Yeah.
You are doing very well / bear in mind / how many hours / consumed only what in the last / hours? / energy drinks? / energy drinks, and some bananas, and some toast and peanut butter / Oh, OK / you know / I'm maintaining my blood sugar levels 血糖値を何とか維持している。 / coming back to the norm / still / space pilot / space pilot / as I said before / why don't you? / a late-night talk show. / yeah / all / down for / next show / we are running a couple of features / hope you / you know / a bit cozy / cozy / for ten minutes / like some candles lined in the room / you know / get back / go and have a look at your chunky jumpers / nice. Get / get dressed / all afternoon. / we are running some major features. Uh, they are: "Have you ever won a rosette?" ... that's, ... well, in the context of __ Saturday morning show 土曜の朝の番組にしては / there has been a great response / caught on / 人々の心に火をつけたようだ。 / three people / really good / have you ever won a r__? Get in contact / north / style / really difficult one / isn't / rosette before / get in contact / J__ in Kent / really bad / I've got a little email on that / the impressions / good morning, Korky and Eggzy / hope you're well. Please / shout out / David Bowie / you can choose your own quote because / obviously." This / is somebody / this is a good listener. Uh ... yes, you can. / OK. / do in a sec / in the post / rosette / Wonderful. / I'm going to also / tonight in / pub quiz / good luck / good pub quiz as far as I'm concerned. / P.S. / just be fine." I'll just check / are you available to ... are you available to do, uh, Non-convincing Impressions shout-out / yes, I am, 'cause it is easier than Morgan Freeman / great / yes, shout out to / good / tonight / in the pub quiz." Uh ... "P.S. Thank you." she says, C__ M__, / Oh, dear. / another r__ email / Massive response / four responses / What is this one about? / I won my first r__ / 53 / Wow. / fancy dress as B__ on my N__ F__ pony, a.k.a. Father Ted / Susie / almost like something / she __ ... 53 / she was fancy-dressed as / OK. ... On a Norwegian Fjord pony? / Yeah. / called Father Ted / that's very confusing / after three-hours' sleep, I imagine ... I can see smoke coming out 耳から煙が出てるぞ。/ crazy things going on there. There is a lot of crazy ... / I can see / cyborg horse / all sorts of things going on there.
I've just gotta say / end of that song / great song, but, at the very end / drum kit down the stairs. / entire drum kit down the stairs / standing up and, sort of, / just throwing it / John B__ had it enough / walks out / leave ジョン・ボーナムが癇癪を起して / really good / something like that, you know / I'd always imagined ずっと ... かと思っていたよ / sort of / either he throws it / or / wearing / ripped jeans / Bonzo was wearing / in the studio / take / it in / ripped the drums down and / sounded great. So, / in the documentary / really good / hey, how much of that / Goldie Lookin Chain stuff / pure accidents / Yeah. / Uh ... 98% ... 98% of it is, uh, / is just / best way to, uh, to record music, you know, just go / how much of the stuff that you do / I mean, obviously the raps / tightly scripted ラップはきちんと事前に書いたものを歌うのだと思うけど、/ riff / like, live / yeah / or / sort of, keep in in a recording session / Uh ... it ... it depends on / some of the early stuff was just like / put / one loop, leave / on for six hours and sit there, and to / 6 時間流しっぱなしにして、座って聴きながら、 / I've got an idea, I've got an idea / say words into microphone / end up / like / big long track / loads of stuff / cut it down / stuff / got / whole idea / let's do it / So, it's fifty-fifty / Yeah? / idea of / into / microphone / I can here my own voice, I can hear my own voice, guys." ... That's, uh, that's ... that's just the fun of it, really. / why isn't there more space pilot / Goldie / bearing in mind that you / main driver of the content / actually / and / ghost / working / new stuff / there is a song / goblin-slayer in the pipeline / your voice is coming through now / there is ... there is / something about a goblin-slayer / I'm not saying too much at the moment ここですべてを明かすわけにはいかないが / but / exclusive there / something / new track ... new track / yeah / so, we are running a number of features ... uh ... the greatest film quotes of all time / in the press / we've had a game that were doing with the listeners, ... uh ... haven't we, Eggz? / Yeah / it's gone / it's a low-octane start オクタン価の低いスタート / Yeah. should we throw another / I was wondering / inundated / quotes / anybody recognizes any of the quotes, / yeah, yeah / then they / tell us / what the film is / Classic. / you know, no prize 賞品は ... ありません。 / you could come up with an imaginary surreal prize 想像上のシュールな賞品を考えてくれ。/ in my mind, I / donate them / just / some wonderful thoughts and / positive, uh, you know, ... positivity. / OK. So, here we go. So ... so, get ready. If you are interested in / game / pull over / So, here we go. If you recognize these quotes / which film / you can be the greatest film / as / we could do, / huh, / you / if I think I know / go up against the entire audience. / Oh, that's good. / This is a strong feature. / This is now a strong feature. / massively strong feature / Well done, Eggzy. / OK / "E.T. phone home" / I'm gonna say / go on / I wrote the script __ E.T. / yeah / the famous / in the garage, and it's scaring me. 怖いよ。/ That's / film would end / within the first 20 minutes 最初の 20 分で映画が終わっちまう。/ back / looks like a shaved cat / just can you come here a minute / quarantine / film / finish there / I agree / a bit more / just / adult / don't make friends with it / Don't touch it! 触っちゃダメ! / move away 離れなさい / probably got fleas 友達になっちゃいけないよ。ノミをもってるかも知れないから。/ you know ... E.T. terrified me as a child E.T. は子どものとき見たけど、怖かったよ。/ just do that / change it / flying bike's great, though 空飛ぶ自転車はよかったよな。/ thing like / shaved cat 毛を剃った猫 / bedroom / really weird / dogfood / Sesami Street / that's not right / why would you assume kids make friends with ramdom sick aliens 病気の宇宙人といちいち仲良くなってたら大変だよ。/ looks like / made of / off-cuts / DFS / kind of, like, nasty, leathery ... you know what I mean? / yeah. He looks like / looks like / peeled rabbit フランスのスーパーマーケットでよくぶらさげて売ってる、皮をはいだウサギ。/ very much / hang / hang / That's a new quote. / 皮をはいだウサギと友達になるのもどうかと。/ 新しい名セリフの誕生だ。
Uh ... Queen / Let Me In Your Heart Again / I'm a massive Queen fan / Can I just say / end / over / of course / who is the drummer? ドラマーは誰だっけ。 / Roger Taylor ロジャー・テイラー / out of the studio, and / clearly / lead / beginning of / classic レッド・ツェッペリンからのパクリだ。/ massive Queen fan / I reckon / Freddie's / I was saying / playing / I like Queen / something about Queen, again / for me / nice cozy song / in the video / right / you and Freddie / messing around, kicking a ball around / like / hot chocolates / like / two chairs facing away from camera / yeah / Freddie would be leaning / and I just bring my head around / just / be awesome / I love that / would be brilliant, wouldn't it? / very similar to that / wouldn't it be good / made my day / my day, Eggzy / wonderful times. ... Would you have / vest on / like / well / like a / leather bomber jacket with __ f__ color / ever / both have matching / from / game / game album / bomber jacket / Oh, that would be great, wouldn't it? / Yeah. / That would be great. / for me / which is / red cat suit / lots of eyes on it / great Queen memories here. Uh, a couple of videos / just filmed / Roger's garden / crazy little thing called love / I think / filmed in / Roger's garden / wearing / actually wearing gardening gloves during / so called / greatest video of all time in the Queen context, I think, probably, predictably, is Bohemian Rhapsody for me / too over-the-top for me ちょっとやりすぎかな、とボクは思うけど。/ allowed to do it / first thing / arguably the worst one / on top of / breakthrough / OK. So, uh, if we / a lot of money / different? So, uh, Freddie said, "Why not get a polystyrene __ wall and drive / we did / be on / documentary. / what a great / if you've got / money / what / do / really q__y video / I know what / can get / train / let's do it / I think / supposed to be some other material / r_n out of money / great video / my day again.
"Dearest Korky and Eggzy," This is Jerry from California. / Huh, hey, how you doing / you guys are awesome / you guys are awesome / hot right now / going off the hook, guys / long time ... / accent / I can't help it. / long-time podcast listener and a first time live-listner / come home / kind of / swinging / mid-America to, kind of, / New-Yorky / as bad as / American person doing English accent アメリカ人がイギリス訛りを真似るのと同じくらいひどいな。 / dreadful / I'm just gonna / read it out / you can / if you want / dear / I'm a long-time podcast listener and a first-time live listener. As I came home from __ late night / close to 4 a.m. / four a.m. / as they do say in America. That's right. Yeah. / Guys, guys, guys ... / You guys are awesome. / You guys, I gotta tell you / you two are the best おまえら二人はサイコーだゼ。/ four / take / powering through / Awesome. / high-five / you guys / I would ハイ・ファイブりたいところだが / 4 a.m., guys. You guys are crazy. / I honestly wish / give you both big hugs. You two make me smile / really good time. / this sounds like a man / really good time / couple of beers, guys / I love you / me / awesome / No, no, seriously, don't st__ ... don't look at me / you guys are like / look at me / I hate you / essentially what he's saying / basically / OK / may I dedicate a song to the both of you? / he says / best friend / There you go. / all / he says, "Go Wales" and this is Jerry ... uh ... Jerry __llli. I love it when people are listening abroad. / It's probably just __ Isle of Man, just pretending / whatever / p__ed a picture of words / yeah / all we need, you know / we've got / Ask Eggzy / 'cause / Ask Eggzy. ... You need to do it quick / some of the answers / ask / feature / an answer / any issues, I / is an answer / Any issues, I will / yeah / yeah / Hobbies ... / Huh huh. / emotinal issues, uh, exercise issues ... / Yeah. / and social issues / yeah / even political issues / Finance? / Finance ... oh, __ hedge funds, everything / __ like a surreal version of Radio 4's Money Box / Yeah, exactly. Exactly. / Aren't you? / if you've got / money / horse-chestnut / some thyme, say a spell / twice / money / in six months' time / time capsule, Eggzy 投資先に悩んでますか?まず、庭に穴を掘ってください。そこへ / 呪文を唱えて / あなたの資産は倍になります。 / タイムカプセルみたいだな。 / Yes. / that's wonderful. / Anyway / from London / wait to get / seven bridge / 20 minutes ago / driving / I mean, if it's been 20 minutes / this far, just / think / pull over now 今すぐ停車しろ / I'm saying / don't risk it / prove / entire journey / something's just come in / "Hello / are almost always improved when spoken by Arnie / following film quote / Monty Python / Huh, lovely / dave / fixing cat-flaps / in / well done. It's an important job / the best / "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries." てめえの母ちゃんはハムスターで親父はニワトコくせえときやがる。/ there you go どう?/ pretty good / sounds better / It does sound better / hang on. Let's / try / out / any / basically / any / A__ S__ in. 基本的には、どんな映画の名セリフでも、シュワルツネッガーが言うことによって至高のセリフとなる。/ this is a great feature / thank you / hang on / who's that? / Dave / from, uh, Kate and Dave / Kate and Dave / invented / cause / I'm gonna give you / quotes / So, we can make any film into an action film. どんな映画でもアクション映画に作り変えることができる。/ Yeah. Don't look at the others / top / have to guess / a classic / "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." / Huh. ... See? / much better / what's that from / どの映画だっけ / classic / ok / here's another one. ... "Get busy living or get busy dying." 「精を出して生きるか、精を出して死ぬか、二つに一つだ。」/ It's much better / good / nice mess / into 「また厄介なことに巻き込んでくれやがったな。」/ all good as Arnie シュワちゃんに言わせると、全部いいな。/ Oliver ... Oliver / one / looking at you, kid / カサブランカ / much better / what we have learned / scientific experiments / what / Arnie should be in all films / idea / just keep remaking / next / I'm hiding / garage / E.T. / I need to get a flying bike. / see 今までのハリウッド映画を全部リメイクすべきだ。そして、そのすべてにアーノルド・シュワルツネッガーを出演させるべきだ。/ 空飛ぶ自転車を持ってきやがれ。
friend / cham / radio cham / across-the-water cham 大西洋の向こう側にいるお友達 / we've got a buddy / came / you guys are pretty cool / four a.m. / radio shout-out / in American accent / totally funny. / man / you know / ginger ale / spike the punch, dude / True. / get / Arnie there / says Jerry / that's from Jerry __lli / 4 a.m. / greatest Italian-American surname / should be a New Yorker, nearly / true / How're you doing? How're you doing / you never / before / what's wrong with you, huh? / S__ island before? / dirty / I came ... I came all the way from / for this / where's Jimmy __? / how is it going? / Dear Eggzy / how should I celebrate / probably / Ask Eggzy / in case / on Monday. How should you celebrate? / probably get / box set / put a kettle on お湯を沸かす。 / and watch / entire World War box set / that's how I celebrate / my / really really good. I love the / ask Eggzy / uncle / like / some of the answers.
I was given a guitar pick once that apparently belonged to Peter Frampton / ピーター・フランプトンが使っていたというギターのピックを貰ったことがあるんだ。 / no evidence to back it up それを裏付ける証拠はないのだが。/ I've still got it / apparently / DNA / そのピックから採取できる DNA からピーター・フランプトンのクローンを作ろる / fantastic / amazing / you could try that / do / do / all I need / basic chemistry set 基本的な実験器具さえあれば。/ petri dish? / Yeah, petri dish. / jell / hair gel / コロニーを作るのにジェル的なものが必要だろ。/ それはヘアジェルで何とかなる。/ get a little bit / guitar ギターのピックから DNA を抽出し、/ spit / why / DNA / original DNA / need / put / OK / DNA from the guitar pick / mixing / half / hour / why / incubate / the problem here is, if I do it wrong / end up / half-guitar-pick / half 問題は、もし失敗したら、半身はピーター、半身はギターピックという、半人半ピックのモンスターが出来上がることだ。/ no / fine / haven't got DNA 大丈夫だよ。ピックに DNA はないから。/ what if they have あったらどうする?/ break-through / cross that bridge / come / I'd be happy with / half-malformed / fine with him / cardigan pocket / so good / "Morning, lads / should / chance / again / ruins the / great time then / morning, lads / professor Brian Cox / consider / qualification / anticipate / very good. Yes, you do. / OK. So, I, uh ... yeah. / Yeah. Do you wanna do, uh ... / Brian / birthday / Tom / loser of the week, happy birthday. Wonderful times." There you go / just tweeted, uh ... / your / cookie / that's / Nearly convincing / shout-out / I mean / as / as / like it / real Arnie film. You know. / エグジー、君のシュワちゃんのモノマネはクッキーモンスターみたいだって。/ すまなかったな。おれに言えることは、おれのシュワちゃんが気に入らないなら、本物のシュワちゃんが出ている映画を見ろってことだ。/ We are running also / what / her rosette for / visual quiz on twitter / now / photo of a dog / with a rosette / next / see / see / image / hang on / it's sort ... it's sort of a stumpy, small, tiny dog / poodle / small / breed / stumpy / army dog / say that right? / that's / name / breed / mixture between a spaniel / face / I think it's a high-class dog / feels embarrassed / yellow rosette / anyway, so, uh, / suggestion / is it / worst / very good / see the photo / not / everywhere. ... All right. So, um ... so, any other clues / still / got / answer / involved / two adults, two dogs ... where's the horse, then? 'Cause / dog / got an idea / could / could be rosette for / quickest / ashamed or disgusted with its owner. / Yeah. / That's / or worse, itself / yeah / best prize / feels / let itself down.
Chemical Brothers / Chemical Brothers' song, don't you? / comes through the headphones / Yes. Pretty good / pumping differently than / rock and dance music there / yeah / the rock song ends with / drums / downstairs / that ends up with / someone / mouth / snoring. ... Wonderful. That's the difference there. So, / Ed and Tom / studio / fell asleep / his mouth / just / audio / stayed in the mix / great / yeah / someone asleep on a sofa / Christmas / song / party / snoring away, you know ... yeah. That's exactly what __ song ends with / Very good. / Wonderful. Wonderful / it's not just / get on the show / antho__gy / inside / music is really made / Yeah. / you know / real world of music / what was your story / to why you won a rosette / I won a rosette / I __ cheated a bit 実は、ズルをしたんだ。/ Yeah? / probably about nine or ten 9 歳か 10 歳の頃だった。 / OK / school / very distant memory / only came back this morning / when we started talking about this ずっと心の奥に封印されていた遠い想い出だが、今朝ロゼットが話題にのぼったから思い出した。/ something / don't know what it was / paint / paint / very good job / castle / good / very imaginative / like / dipiction of, say, / castle / what it was / a door in the middle / two towers / with a cross / two towers, two turrets / side / didn't / good / parent / sky / horizon / this was / wall / sorry / really nervous / the wall was painted grey / but one of ... / older / painted / of bricks / on / wall / give / textured look / right / need / took / school / certificate / 3rd place / whatever / based competition / did win a yellow rosette そこで黄色いロゼットを貰った。/ Wow / So, there / what / congratulations / yeah. But probably / most of other kids cheat as well / still / know / you had / imagine / it was one of your achievements / my achievement / few achievements / you had / apply for job 履歴書に書くんだ。/ know / avid reader / avid reader / big fan of monkeys and science / has one yellow rosette / mini Peter F__ / yes, yes, exactly / socializing, night clubs / and recreating Peter F__ / guitar ピーター・フランプトンのクローンを培養している。彼のギターのピックも培養するかも知れない。/ possibly belong to / here's the result of "What did Cathy win her rosette for? / OK. Right. / little / here it is / So, the clues were: Two adults, two animals / involved / horse / sister / involved / dog / the rosette was yellow. It was / on the, uh, twitter / very resentful dog, embarrassed / disgusted / whole event, just ashamed / irritated / ashamed canine / bred between two breeds / made me / that's / don't look at me, don't look at me / look at the camera / used to be like you / say. / Anyway, the result of / quiz thing / event / was / horse and hound, half-and-half show jumping time trial. / Yeah. / she had to go round / I don't quite understand is / course / over the same / dog / horse / over the jumps, Cathy? / really little gymkhana / type / I'm confused / that it / wearing / padded jacket / and a scarf / it's a classic look. It's / there you go / buy / do / get / you can't become / it won't suit you. / Hhhhh. / Incidentally, no one got that right.
And if / why / whole show, live, every Saturday morning / BBC Radio Wales, 11 till 1.